Rich of Calif

One fan of vintage California pottery, and his endless travels down the Poppytrail.


Dirty Job at GMcB

I really enjoy the TV show "Dirty Jobs" with Mike Rowe. Its on Discovery Channel, and for those not familiar with the show, Mike travels the country looking for dirty jobs and we have a great time watching him getting dirty while doing those jobs.
Earlier in the season Mike took a shift at the Gladding McBean Terracotta Plant in Glendale. And got real dirty one would assume. Gladding_McBean is the company that used to make Franciscan Pottery and other wonderful lines of dinnerware, but anymore just makes architectural terracotta...stuff like roof tiles and floor tiles and sewer pipe.
I missed that episode and have waiting for it to come back around. Make a note that "Garbage Pit Technician" episode is scheduled for March 13th at 8pm et/pt, and again March 14th at 12am et/pt.

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Poppytrail California Contempora

There's this cat that lives at my house. His name is Bootsie. He's at my house because a friend of mine couldn't keep him anymore and putting him down (the cat, not my friend) seemed a little extreme. He's a spoiled cat. He won't eat dry food like all the good cats who live here. He has to have canned food and won't settle for anything less.
Last night I didn't have any canned food, so its was dry food for Bootsie. Take it or leave it. Of course he didn't eat it. And this morning he let me know early that he was still hungry for his preferred meal. So about 8:30 I headed down to the store on his majesty's duty
This is where the story gets good. On the way to the store was a yard sale and I stopped to take a look. Oh boy, some Beach Boys and Eric Burden records. Gotta get those. Don't need any patent leather shoes. Wait, what's this? Oh my god, its a Poppytrail Handled Vegetable Bowl. Sweeeeet.
Now the bowl was upside down in a box. And my first thought was that it might be Aztec. There were a few Poppytrail lines that used this very cool mid-century design by Bob Allen and Mel Shaw...California Aztec is my favorite but there's also California Contempora and Mobile and Free Form. The Handled Vegetable Bowl is instantly recognizable, even upside-down.
Turning the bowl over I see that it is California Contempora. OK, so its not Aztec, but still a very cool piece. Its going to eBay where I bet I can get 50-75 dollars. It has a small chip on the pointed end, but Contempora is really hot.
And Bootsie? He gets a big heaping bowl of canned food just as he likes it. He's a good cat.

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